ABSTRACT: In past, web servers served static site content; in any case, over the years significant advances have been realised enabling the development of dynamic web applications that harness power associations to outfit the intensity of the Internet for the improvement of the service delivery. This project describes the development of an online Supervision Management […]
Php project on Hostel Management System
ABSTRACT: This Hostel Management System is developed for the hostel management group which encourages them to spare the records of the students about their rooms and different things. It encourages them from the manual work from which it is extremely difficult to discover the record of the students and the data about those ones who […]
Php project on the newspaper agencies system
ABSTRACT: News Paper Agency System is a circulation software and subscription management for newspaper and magazine wholesalers. It is a different newspaper subscription management software system that handles both newspaper and magazine course. This newspaper circulation system is designed for small distributors and both small and large home delivery and retail outlet distribution activities; and will give […]
Php project on Courier Management System
ABSTRACT: CMS is a web-based Courier Management System which supports the high accessibility of courier services to the business and to the client. The system is being utilized for everyday exercises, for example, booking a courier, manage hub details, maintain organization details, process information of organizations and many other things.CMS can be customized to fit […]
Php project on Transit Pass Automation
ABSTRACT: The rapidly aging population causes long waiting time circumstances for taking bus pass. Diagnosing record of real-time data of every who are for the most part utilizing bus passes, Bus pass computerization would be helpful for the government to actualize legitimate and better rates for passes and furthermore it would be valuable for individuals who forgot to […]
Php project on Warehouse Management System
ABSTRACT: The Warehouse Management System is a real-time warehouse database fit for handling large inventories of an association. This can be utilized to track the inventory of a single store or to manage with the distribution of stock between a few stores of a larger establishment. Be that as it may, the system only records sales […]
Php project on VecorartPro Online Order Allocation and Maintenance
ABSTRACT: Vectorartpro is an online order Allocation and Maintenance System for a Designing Firm. This is a web application and can be facilitated and can be used all through the world. Each web Application has both client board and administrator board. The majority of us don’t have the idea about the panel board. We are […]
Php project on The Cibil System Project
ABSTRACT: A cibil system to keep tracks of people credit cores and dues of a specific individual. The system is like the real cibil system with an upgrade (Here the defaulter can see his status and can apply for development by great conduct). This software system gives an alternative of administrator login, Cibil associates login and individual login. Here, […]
Php project on Student Information System
ABSTRACT: Students Information system is software which is useful for students and as well as the authorities. In the present system, all the activities are done manually. It is very time consuming and expensive. Our Students Information students manage the different exercises identified with the students. MODULES: • Staff module • Student Module • Mark […]
Php project on Student Result System
ABSTRACT: A school result creator is a software project that automatically creates school result based on student examination marks and details in the student database. The student result generator checks the information base for different points of interest to fill up the student details. The method for filling the details and school logo on the top […]