This project displays the plan of a low complexity fuzzy logic controller of just 25-guidelines to be implanted in an energy management system for a residential grid associated microgrid including sustainable power sources and capacity ability. The system accepts that neither the sustainable age nor the heap request is controllable. The primary objective of the plan is to limit the grid control profile changes while keeping the battery condition of charge inside secure cutoff points.
Rather than utilizing anticipating based techniques, the proposed approach utilize both the microgrid energy rate-of-progress and the battery condition of charge to build, reduce, or maintain the power delivered/absorbed by the mains. The controller plan parameters (participation capacities and govern base) are acclimated to improve a pre-characterized set of value criteria of the microgrid conduct. A correlation with different proposition looking for a similar objective is displayed at reproduction level, while the highlights of the proposed configuration are tentatively tried on a genuine private microgrid actualized at the Public University of Navarre.