Development of a feature-rich, Employee Transfer Application.


Build up an Intranet Application for ABC Technologies Ltd. for keeping up data identified with its representative’s exchange and creating the exchange related reports. This application would encourage the framework head (Higher Management) to look through the representative’s exchange record, make new exchanges and furthermore correct the stipends offered to the worker which normally relies upon the post of the representative and the kind of exchange he is getting.

Build up an Intranet Employee Transfer Application, which will cover the accompanying functionalities:

1) Login

an) Employees

b) System Administrator

2) Interface for topping off the accompanying data

a) Searching the exchange records.

b) Updating the exchange records.

c) Making new transfers.(this can be joined with the refresh page by empowering and crippling the refresh and make exchange catches.)

3) Interface to create the move related archives in Doc organize.

4) Automatic mail warnings to the workers who got exchanged and to the chiefs who might get the exchanged representatives.

5) Logout


Generic Technology keywords

Databases, Programming

Specific Technology keywords


Project type keywords

Examination, Design, Implementation, Testing,

Functional components of the project:

Following is a rundown of functionalities of the framework. More functionalities that you discover suitable can be added to this rundown. Furthermore, in places where the portrayal of a usefulness isn’t sufficient, you can make fitting suspicions and continue.

1)Search Transfer Record

The hunt can be founded on the accompanying fields :

Representative Number, Employee Name, Band, From Location, To Location, From Project, To Project, From Department To Department and so forth

The Employee Master Record may contain the accompanying fields (and some more which you wish to include):

Representative Number, Employee Name, Role, Band, Work Experience, Current Project, Current Location, Transfer Project, Transfer Location, Current Department, Transfer Department., Transfer Relieving Date, Transfer Joining Date, Reporting Manager.

3)Benefit Form

1) Front-End: PHP

2) Back-End: MYSQL 0r SQLServer

Ventures to begin the undertaking

The accompanying advances will be useful to begin the undertaking.

1. Study and be alright with advances, for example,

a. Active Server Pages/HTML and SQL server and Visual Basic. A few connects to these innovations are given in the ‘Rules and References’ Section of this archive

2. Decide The organization of the different exchange Related archives Like Transfer Letter, Relieve Letter and so forth.

S/W System Configuration

 Operating System: Windows 95/98/2000/NT4.0.

 Application Server: Wamp2.2e

 Front End : HTML, PHP.

 Scripts: JavaScript.

 Server-side Script: PHP.

 Database: Mysql.

 Database Connectivity : PhpMyAdmin.

H/W System Configuration

Processor – Pentium – III

Speed – 1.1 GHz

Smash – 256 MB(min)

Hard Disk – 20 GB

Floppy Drive – 1.44 MB

Console – Standard Windows Keyboard

Mouse – Two or Three Button Mouse

Screen – SVGA

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