ABSTRACT: The main goal of this project is to display dialed telephone numbers on an arrangement of seven-segment LED-based display framework for better visibility by utilizing the idea of DTMF (double tone multi recurrence) sensing. Each button on the keypad of the telephone produces a unique frequency when pressed. These frequencies are decoded by a […]
Embedded Project on Integrated Energy Management System Based on GSM Protocol with Acknowledgement Feature
ABSTRACT: The main goal of this project is to develop a device that controls the home appliances through SMS with incorporated acknowledgment feature. Unlike the conventional framework introduce in houses, where one needs to manually switch on and off the appliances. The proposed framework enables the proprietor of the house to control the applainces by simply […]
Embedded Project on Cell Phone-Based DTMF Controlled Garage Door Opening System
ABSTRACT: The fundamental goal of this project is to unlock a garage door by a cell phone utilizing a unique password entered through the keypad of the phone. Opening and closing of garage door include human work. In this proposed framework, the opening and closing of a garage door is accomplished by utilizing a cell phone. […]
Embedded Project on RFID security access control system
ABSTRACT: The primary goal of this project is to give security in an organization allowing only authorized personnel to access the secure area. The security of any priority is a need for the authorized. The concern is for the physical property and intellectual property. Hence just the authorized person with a valid RFID tag is permitted into […]
Embedded Project on Flash Flood Intimation Over GSM Network
ABSTRACT: The main objective of this project is to plan and manufacture a small scale of Global System for Mobile (GSM) based model Flash Flood Intimation over GSM Network framework. This project will be created as an educational training tool to illustrate, promote awareness and knowledge in order to solve the traffic congestion problem and minimize […]
Embedded Project on Automatic Surveillance Camera Panning System from PC
ABSTRACT: The project is designed for utilizing surveillance camera on a planning platform i.e. moving the camera, mounted on a DC engine in clockwise and anticlockwise direction in periodic intervals. For security reasons, surveillance cameras are utilized wherever like roads, shops,colleges, schools and office. surveillance cameras are fundamentally stationary gadgets along these lines 360 degree scope […]
Embedded Project on Closed-Loop Control for a Brushless DC Motor to Run at the Exactly Entered Speed
ABSTRACT: The project is designed to control the speed of a BLDC engine utilizing closed loop control system. BLDC engine has different application utilized as industries like in drilling, lathes, spinning, elevators, electric bikes and so on. The speed control of the DC engines is extremely fundamental. This proposed framework gives an extremely precise and […]
Embedded Project on Theft Intimation of the Vehicle Over SMS to Owner Who Can Stop the Engine Remotely
ABSTRACT: The goal of this project is to utilize wireless technology to imply the proprietor of the vehicle about an unauthorized entry. This is finished by sending an auto-generated SMS to the proprietor. An additional favorable position of this undertaking is that the proprietor can send back the SMS which will disable the ignition of […]
Embedded Project on War Field Spying Robot with Night Vision Wireless Camera
ABSTRACT: The project is designed to build up a robotic vehicle utilizing the Android application for remote activity connected with the wireless camera for monitoring purpose. The robot along with camera can wirelessly transmit real-time video with night vision capacities. This is somewhat robot can be useful for spying reason in war fields. An 8051 […]
Embedded Project on Pick N Place with Soft Catching Gripper
ABSTRACT: The project is designed to build up a pick n put a robotic vehicle with a soft catching gripper. For instance, it can securely handle with a bomb very carefully to avoid explosion while getting. The robotic vehicle is RF controlled for remote activity. At the transmitting end utilizing push buttons, charges are sent […]