Online Bus Pass Registration and Renewal Apps System


Mobile Phone devices have a larger impact on our day to day life. The proposed project is concerned about bus pass renewal of the student in the general public transport service who are facing issues with the present manual work of renewal system. It additionally expands the validity time frame. His/Her Renewal or Registration should be possible utilizing a credit card. This online bus pass registration application will help students to save their time and renewal bus pass goes without standing in a line for an hour near counters. At first, students need to register with the application by submitting details of college address, bus details, and required details and submit through on the online. They will confirm your details and on the off chance that they are fulfilled they will approve bus pass.

Bus pass Renewal System Project is a real-time project which is helpful for the students who Are facing issues with the present manual work of bus pass. Registration and renewal. It additionally expands the validity period. His/Her Renewal or Registration should be possible utilizing a credit card.

Utilizing this application we can check all points of interest related Bus pass and direction like how to renewal pass how to update it, and furthermore give subtle elements of understudy . This application keeps all data of all Bus pass. This online Bus pass system will help students with getting bus passes on the web and take out the need to stand in a queue.

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