The target of this project is to plan and implement the low cost digital meter utilizing the PIC microcontroller, which could be utilized for checking the temperature and humidity of our environment. In this, it is centered mostly in our homes. The temperature is estimated utilizing the LM35 temperature sensor and the humidity is estimated utilizing the DHT11 humidity sensor. The deliberate parameters are shown through LCD screens, regularly like a digital meter. Aside from going about as a meter, it plays out the capacity of the automated control system which controls the engine driver associated with the fan, in light of the temperature detected utilizing the microcontroller.
At the point when the fire gets the home and the sensor esteems exceeds the breaking point, a ready SMS will be sent to the individual living in the home through the SIM900 GSM module. Additionally, an SMS conveying the place of residence will be sent to the fire office which alarms the fire contenders to an inclination to the area with the goal that they can shield the home from a flame. This likewise proposes the possibility of programmed stickiness controller utilizing dehumidifier controlled by the microcontroller through the transfer module. In this manner, the proposed microcontroller based computerized advanced meter show has been examined in the project.