This project introduces a novel advance up DC to AC converter with just a single power supply. These sorts of converters are appropriate for inexhaustible and manageable vitality applications with low information DC sources. The proposed topology has the capacity of self-voltage adjusting and does not have any significant bearing end side H-scaffold to create a bipolar staircase waveform. Subsequently, exchanging misfortunes and voltage worry of semiconductor parts are lessened as it were.
A little DC voltage source can be utilized to accomplish a high voltage superb AC waveform through exchanging the pre-charged capacitors in arrangement and in parallel. Circuit setup and its task rule, capacitors’ charging procedure, warm model, capacitances and misfortunes figurings are talked about in subtle elements. Besides, the correlation of the proposed circuit with the other single source staggered converters demonstrates that the proposed topology diminishes the quantity of circuit components. At long last, a laboratory9-level model is worked to confirm the hypothetical examinations and possibility of the proposed topology. The test results demonstrate that the converter productivity at 1 KW yield control is 92.75%.