
Embedded Project on GSM Based Energy Meter Reading with Load Control


The main goal of the project is to develop a GSM-based energy meter reading system and load control through SMS. Electricity department sends employees to take meter reading every month, which is an expensive and time-consuming job.

The proposed system gives a convenient and effective strategy to avoid the problems. The electricity department and the client can get the readings of the energy meter of customers via SMS. The loads can be controlled by the client of this framework via SMS utilizing this project.

A microcontroller input is effectively interfaced to a digital energy meter that takes the reading from the energy meter and displays the same on an LCD. The reading of the energy meter is likewise sent to the control room by SMS via SIM loaded GSM modem.

This GSM modem can likewise get commands from the cell phone to control the proprietor’s electrical loads. It utilizes a standard digital energy meter that delivers output pulses to the microcontroller to perform counting necessary activity. On receiving command it can switch ON/OFF the loads.

The further project can be interfaced with a non-volatile memory IC like EEPROM along with a keypad so the client the change the mobile number as per requirement.

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