ABSTRACT: In conventional LLC-based plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) locally available chargers, the battery pack voltage fluctuates in a wide range with the difference in condition of charge. This makes it hard to ideally plan the modified pulse width moulated LLC resonant converter. Furthermore, the voltage direction of the LLC converter is profoundly subject to the […]
High Efficiency Bridgeless Single-Power-Conversion Battery Charger for Light Electric Vehicles
ABSTRACT: Charging batteries of light electric vehicles require chargers with high efficiency and a powerful factor. To address this issue, this project exhibits a bridgeless single-control change battery charger made out of a detached advance up ac– dc converter with an arrangement reverberation circuit. The bridgeless setup lessens the conduction misfortunes related with the info […]
PV Battery Charger Using an L3C Resonant Converter for Electric Vehicle Applications
ABSTRACT: In electric vehicles with rooftop PV boards, the solar irradiance and surface temperature can influence their execution and output voltages (e.g., Vpv = 24-45 Vdc). In these systems, the most extreme energy must be extracted from the variable info voltage (PV board), helped by various gains, and put away in high-voltage battery packs. Besides, […]
On an Electric Scooter With G2V/V2H/V2G and Energy Harvesting Functions
ABSTRACT: This project gives an electric scooter with grid to-vehicle/vehicle-to-home (V2H)/vehicle-to-grid (V2G) and energy harvesting functions. To begin with, the reciprocal dc/dc converter-sustained scooter dc engine drive is built up. Great driving attributes are accomplished by means of legitimate control. In a sit without moving case, the engine drive can be masterminded to play out […]
Commutation Torque Ripple Reduction in the BLDC Motor Using Modified SEPIC and Three-Level NPC Inverter
ABSTRACT: This project introduces another power converter topology to smother the torque ripple because of the stage current recompense of a brushless dc motor (BLDCM) drive system. A blend of a three-level diode clampped multilevel inverter (3-level DCMLI), an altered single-ended primary-inductor converter (SEPIC), and a dc-transport voltage selector circuit is utilized in the proposed […]
High-Precision Sensorless Drive for High-Speed BLDC Motors Based on the Virtual Third Harmonic Back-EMF
ABSTRACT: With a specific end goal to enhance the execution of the rapid brushless direct current engine drives, a novel high-accuracy sensorless drive has been produced. It is notable that the inescapable voltage beats, which are produced amid the replacement time frames, will affect the rotor position recognizing precision, and further effect the execution of […]
Improved Finite Control-Set Model-Based Direct Power Control of BLDC Motor with Reduced Torque Ripple
ABSTRACT: This project manages active torque ripple compansation in light of direct power control of perpetual magnet brushless DC (BLDC) engine drive. The torque undulations caused by the befuddle between stator current and its non sinusoidal back-electromotive power (back-EMF) waveforms is an outstanding issue on BLDC engine drives. In this projet, to cure this issue […]
A Single-Stage Sensorless Control of a PV based Bore-Well Submersible BLDC Motor
ABSTRACT: Permanent magnet (PM) brushless dc (BLDC) engine based photovoltaic (PV) water pumps are getting to be well known in provincial territories because of their higher proficiency, unwavering quality, and so forth contrasted with acceptance engine based pumps. The water table level in these rustic territories is normally in excess of 15 m. Subsequently, profound […]
Power Factor Correction in Modified SEPIC Converter fed Switched Reluctance Motor Drive
ABSTRACT: This project displays a dual output PFC (Power Factor Correction) converter for switched reluctance motor (SRM) drive. Here, an adjusted SEPIC (Single Ended Primary Inductance Converter) converter is proposed for extensive variety of speed control and to accomplish control factor redress at AC mains. The switching frequency of the converter is considered at 20 kHz. […]
DC-Link Capacitor-Current Ripple Reduction in DPWM-Based Back-to-Back Converters
ABSTRACT: This proejct proposes an enhanced counterbalance choice technique for discontinuous-pulse-width-modulation (DPWM)- based consecutive converters to diminish dc-connect current ripple. DPWM is acquainted with control converters to lessen the weight on control transistors and draw out their life expectancy. Be that as it may, when utilizing the DPWM technique, the dc-interface current swell is expanded […]