
Embedded Project on IR Controlled Robotic Vehicle

ABSTRACT: The project is designed to control a robotic vehicle utilizing a standard TV remote. IR sensor is interfaced to the control unit on the robot for sensing the IR signals transmitted by the remote. This information is conveyed on to the control unit which moves the robot as wanted. An 8051 arrangement microcontroller is […]


Embedded Project on RFID Based Passport Details

ABSTRACT: The fundamental goal of this project is to get to the passport details of passport holder through RFID technology. For this reason, the authorized person is given a RFID card. This card contains an integrated circuit that is utilized for storing, processing information through modulating and demodulating the radio frequency signal that is being transmitted. […]


Embedded Project on Metal Detector Robotic Vehicle

ABSTRACT: The project is designed to develop a robotic vehicle that can sense metals in front of it on its way like sensing landmines. The robot is controlled by a remote android application. Remote activity is accomplished by any smartphone/Tablet and so on., with Android OS, upon a GUI (Graphical User Interface) based touchscreen task. It […]


Embedded Project on Obstacle Avoidance Robotic Vehicle

ABSTRACT: The project is designed to develop an obstacle avoidance robotic vehicle using ultrasonic sensors for its movement. A microcontroller of 8051 family is utilized to achieve the desired operation. A robot is a machine that can perform the task automatically or with guidance. Robotics is generally is the combination of computational intelligence and physical […]


Embedded Project on RF Based Home Automation System

ABSTRACT: The main target of this project is to develop a home automation system with an RF controlled remote. As technology is advancing so houses are also getting more intelligent. Present day houses are slowly moving from traditional changes to bring together control framework, including RF controlled switches. By and by, conventional wall switches situated in […]