ABSTRACT: Recent innovative advancements give specialized help that empowers supporting individuals with visual incapacities in their regular undertakings and enhance their personal satisfaction. Considering that around 90% of the world outwardly impeded individuals live in creating nations, especially in the nearby setting, in Saudi Arabia, there is an absence of assistive instruments and adjusted condition […]
Sesame: a secure and convenient mobile solution for passwords
ABSTRACT: Passwords are the fundamental and most basic technique for remote verification. Notwithstanding, they have their own disappointing difficulties. Clients have a tendency to overlook passwords that are been difficult to figure. Secret phrase supervisors are a way to deal with guarding our passwords. In any case, they predominantly depend on one ace secret phrase […]
Developing an efficient digital image watermarking for smartphones
ABSTRACT: As of late, Smartphone utilization has been expanding quickly to the point where it outperformed all other electronic gadgets. Mixed media sharing and Image/Video catching are among the most used functionalities of cell phones. Cell phones and Internet accessibility made the catch, transmission and capacity of advanced information simple and advantageous. The straightforwardness, availability, […]
Avatar: Mobile Distributed Computing in the Cloud
ABSTRACT: Symbol is a framework that use cloud assets to help quick, adaptable, dependable, and vitality proficient dispersed registering over cell phones. A symbol is a for every client programming element in the cloud that runs applications for the benefit of the client’s versatile gadgets. The symbols are instantiated as virtual machines in the cloud that run the same working […]
Context-Based Access Control Systems for Mobile Devices
ABSTRACT: Mobile Android applications regularly approach delicate information and assets on the client gadget. Abuse of this information by pernicious applications may result in security ruptures and touchy information spillage. A precedent would be a noxious application clandestinely recording a classified business discussion. The issue emerges from the way that Android clients try not to have authority over […]
Just-in-Time Code Offloading for Wearable Computing
ABSTRACT: Wearable processing turns into a rising registering worldview for different as of late created wearable gadgets, for example, Google glass and Samsung Galaxy Smartwatch, that have essentially changed our every day existence with new capacities. To amplify the applications on wearable gadgets with constrained computational ability, stockpiling, and battery limit, in this project, we propose a novel […]
Energy Cost Models of Smartphones for Task Offloading to the Cloud
ABSTRACT: Task offloading from cell phones to the cloud is a promising system to upgrade the processing ability of cell phones what’s more, draw out their battery life. In any case, assignment offloading presents a correspondence cost for those gadgets. In this way, thought of the correspondence cost is critical for the adequacy of errand offloading. To […]
PRISM: PRivacy-aware Interest Sharing and Matching in Mobile Social Networks
ABSTRACT: In a profile matchmaking use of portable informal organizations, clients need to uncover their interests to one another keeping in mind the end goal to locate the basic interests. A noxious client may hurt a client by knowing his own data. In this way, shared interests should be found in a security safeguarding way. In this paper, we […]
STAMP: Enabling Privacy-Preserving Location Proofs for Mobile Users
ABSTRACT: Area based administrations are rapidly ending up massively famous. Notwithstanding administrations in view of clients’ present area, numerous potential administrations depend on clients’ area history, or their spatial-fleeting provenance. Malignant clients may lie about their spatial-worldly provenance without a painstakingly planned security framework for clients to demonstrate their past areas. In this paper, we present the Spatial-Temporal provenance […]
Context-Aware Mobile Cloud Computing and Its Challenges
ABSTRACT: Distributed computing is picking up notoriety because of practically boundless assets, low capital cost, simplicity of appropriation, adaptable asset provisioning, and high versatility. Thinking about these advantages, specialists imagine the use of distributed computing for cell phones to defeat the ever increasing computational and vitality requests of advanced mobile phone applications. Be that as it may, this […]