ABSTRACT: Consider of you as need a camera on your smartphone which is constantly open regardless of any application you open it is still there and you require everything the time. At that point, we show you this system which we call Floating Camera Widget, which acts like a Widget and its skimming regardless of […]
AN041 – Pill Reminder and Medication Tracker using OCR
ABSTRACT: This is an innovative System for any user mostly targeting the aged population as a medical helper. The user or anyone on behalf of the user can enter the medicine reminders such as tablet color, name, quantity and when it should be taken with a reminder. The reminder helps the user to look into […]
AN039 – Your Personal Nutritionist Using FatSecret API
ABSTRACT: Personal Nutritionist as the name, the system can go about as your personal nutritionist while this system can be utilized likewise by nutritionist picking up a considerable measure of data and help from numerous points of view. FatSecret API encourages the System to get the data from numerous points of view. The client can […]
AN037 – Android File Manager Application Project
ABSTRACT: Nowadays Device storage is a major issue for Smart Phone User since we get limited capacity which is either secured by multimedia or different applications which lacks of space for essential kinds of stuff. Security is likewise a concern for storing Any Important Files or reports in Mobile Phones as. The Data which are […]
AN038 – Voice Assistant For Visually Impaired
ABSTRACT: This is an innovative System for visually impaired peoples and goes about as a voice assistant for them. This system is utilized to help the visually impaired to approach the most essential highlights of the cellphone upgrading the nature of the system making utilization of various custom designs and utilizing speech to text. The […]
AN036 – Android Campus Recruitment System
ABSTRACT: Final Year for any engineering students as well as their colleges is very crucial because it is the time when the companies come in. Also, for each student and company needs each other to work it out and consequently this system comes in picture. Campus Recruitment System as the name states it is simply […]
AN035 – Secure Digi Locker Application
ABSTRACT: Secured Digi Locker is a propelled application in which the file storing makes it extremely efficient and solid as we don’t need to each and every record with us ever time. Authoritative archive, for example, Passport, Birth Certificate and so on are important and it very well may be misused. Uploading it to any […]
AN033 – Android Offloading Computation Over Cloud
ABSTRACT: In this project, we exhibit a system for robotized offloading of the computation intensive uses of their cell phones over to the virtual processing the overcloud through its smartphone image online. An offloading structure is proposed, which if utilized by the designers of the application, will engage the application to offload its register escalated, non-intelligent […]
AN034 – Railway Ticket Booking System Using QR Codes
ABSTRACT: This project manages the development and implementation of a smartphone application which is more powerful and basic than the current ticketing system. The “Railway Ticket Booking System utilizing QR Code” can be purchased effectively anytime, anyplace and the ticket will be available in the client’s telephone as “Quick Response (QR) Code”. Administrator will include […]
AN032 – Android Based Visual Product Identification For The Blind
ABSTRACT: This task is created to make the life of visually impaired individuals simple. This is a camera-based system to check the standardized tag behind the picture and read the depiction of the item with the assistance of Id put away in the barcode. This is exceptionally gainful if there should be an occurrence of […]