This project is presenting another technique for activity for a series resonant converter, with planned application in megawatt high-voltage dc wind turbines. Compare with a frequency controlled arrangement full converter worked in sub-resonant mode, the strategy (entitled heartbeat evacuation system) permits the plan of the medium recurrence transformer for highest switching frequency while being worked at bringing lower frequency without saturation.
The primary focal point of this project is to distinguish and investigate the working methods of the converter with a heartbeat evacuation system. With the utilization of variable recurrence and variable stage uprooting in sub-resonant mode, the new strategy for task guarantees transformer estimate decrease and encourages delicate exchanging change of the protected door bipolar transistors (IGBTs) and line recurrence diodes on rectifier side. Four methods of activity are distinguished, while conditions for yield power, voltage, and current pressure are recognized. Trial results are closed on a 1 kW, 250 V/500 V model.