Enhancing Performance and Energy Efficiency for Hybrid Workloads in Virtualized Cloud Environment

ABSTRACT: Virtualization has accomplished standard status in big business IT industry. In spite of its across the board appropriation, it is realized that virtualization likewise presents non-paltry overhead when executing undertakings on a virtual machine (VM). Specifically, a consolidated impact from gadget virtualization overhead and CPU booking dormancy can cause execution corruption when calculation concentrated […]


Weakly Supervised Deep Embedding for Product Review Sentiment Analysis

Abstract:  Item surveys are profitable for forthcoming purchasers in helping them decide. To this end, diverse assessment mining methods have been proposed, where judging an audit sentence’s introduction (e.g., positive or negative) is one of their key difficulties. As of late, profound learning has risen as a successful means for taking care of assumption arrangement […]


UniWalk Unidirectional Random Walk Based Scalable SimRank Computation over Large Graph

Abstract:  SimRank is a successful basic likeness estimation between two vertices in a diagram, which can be utilized as a part of numerous applications like recommender frameworks. Despite the fact that advances have been accomplished, existing strategies still face difficulties to deal with extensive charts. Other than gigantic record development and support cost, the current […]


Privacy-Preserving Aggregate Queries for Optimal Location Selection Dotnet IEEE Projects

ABSTRACT:  Today, tremendous measures of area information are gathered by different administration suppliers. The area information proprietors have a smart thought of where their clients are more often than not.   Other organizations likewise need to utilize this data for area investigation, for example, finding the ideal area for another branch.   However, area information […]