In this project, another picture based disdrometer is produced to overview the development of free falling raindrops. The proposed high-speed image velocimetry (HSIV) system includes a fast camera mounted on a focal point with long profundity of field, a backdrop illumination source utilizing a variety of blue LEDs, and a calculation/control unit for picture obtaining and investigation. Additionally picture handling calculations are created for raindrop identification and raindrop following. The execution of the HSIV framework is thought about with that of a business PARSIVEL2 disdrometer amid a nearby precipitation occasion inside 12 h, while a tippingbucket rain measure is additionally used to appraise the sum precipitation rate amid that period. The information got from the proposed HSIV framework are in great concurrence with those of PARSIVEL2 . Moreover, the consequences of the HSIV framework are nearer than those of PARSIVEL2 to the genuine precipitation, which is dictated by the rain check. To approve the raindrop following calculation, another test is directed to look at the following results with the edge by-outline visual perception from 2880 back to back casings inside 5 min. Trial results recommend that the proposed HSIV framework encourages the estimation of the precipitation properties, fall speed, equivolume width, raindrop fixation, and precipitation rate, to continuous checking of the precipitation with steady and dependable investigation.
BASE PAPER: High-Speed Image Velocimetry System for Rainfall Measurement