Query Expansion with Enriched User Profiles for Personalized Search Utilizing Folksonomy Data

ABSTRACT: Question expansion has been generally received in Web search as a method for handling the ambiguity of queries. Customized search using folksonomy information has exhibited an outrageous vocabulary bungle issue that requires considerably more powerful inquiry development strategies. Co-occurrence statistics, tag-label relations, and semantic coordinating methodologies are among those favored by previous research. However, […]


Continuous Top-k Monitoring on Document Streams

ABSTRACT: The effective handling of document streams assumes an important role in numerous data filtering systems. Developing applications, for example, news refresh sifting and informal organization warnings, request giving end-clients the most important substance to their inclinations. In this work, client preferences are shown by an of keywords. A focal server screens the record stream and persistently reports […]


A Cross Tenant Access Control (CTAC) Model for Cloud Computing: Formal Specification and Verification

ABSTRACT: Sharing of resources on the cloud can be accomplished on a substantial scale since it is cost effective and location independent. Notwithstanding the hype surrounding cloud computing, associations are as yet hesitant to send their organizations in the cloud computing condition because of worries in secure asset sharing. In this paper, we propose a […]


Efficiently Promoting Product OnlineOutcome: An Iterative Rating Attack Utilizing Product and Market Property

ABSTRACT: The success of an online rating system makes it a popular space for malicious sellers to misdirect public’s online choices, while the security-related examinations are falling behind. In this project, we build up a quantile relapse model to examine influential factors on online client decisions and uncover that the advancement impact on items’ market […]


Person Identification by Keystroke Dynamics Using Pairwise User Coupling

ABSTRACT: Because of the increasing vulnerabilities in the cyberspace, security alone isn’t sufficient to keep a rupture, however cyber forensics or cyber intelligence is likewise required to anticipate future attacks or to recognize the potential attacker. The inconspicuous and convert nature of biometric information accumulation of keystroke elements has a high potential for use in digital […]


A Lightweight Secure Data Sharing Scheme for Mobile Cloud Computing

ABSTRACT: With the popularity of cloud computing, cell phones can store/recover individual information from anyplace whenever. Therefore, the information security issue in portable cloud turns out to be increasingly serious and averts encourage improvement of versatile cloud. There are generous investigations that have been led to enhance the cloud security. Nonetheless, the greater part of […]


Cost Optimization for Dynamic Replication and Migration of Data in Cloud Data Centers

ABSTRACT: Cloud storage Providers (CSPs) offer geographically information stores giving a few storage classes various costs. An essential issue looking by cloud clients is the way to misuse these capacity classes to serve an application with a period fluctuating workload on its articles at minimum cost. This cost comprises of private cost (i.e., capacity, Put […]