ABSTRACT: Client movement logs can be a significant wellspring of data in cloud legal examinations; consequently, guaranteeing the unwavering quality and respectability of such logs is essential. Most existing answers for secure logging are intended for ordinary frameworks as opposed to the intricacy of a cloud situation. In this paper, we propose the Cloud Log […]
Secured outsourcing towards a cloud computing environment based on DNA cryptography
ABSTRACT: Distributed computing indicates an IT foundation where information and programming are put away and handled remotely in a server farm of a cloud supplier, which are open by means of an Internet benefit. This new worldview is progressively achieving the ears of organizations and has upset the commercial center of today inferable from a […]
Improving Privacy and Security in Decentralizing Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Encryption in Cloud Computing
ABSTRACT: Decentralizing multi-specialist characteristic based encryption (ABE) has been embraced for taking care of issues emerging from sharing private corporate information in distributed computing. For decentralizing multiauthority ABE frameworks that don’t depend on a focal expert, arrangement obstruction can be accomplished utilizing a worldwide identifier. Hence, character should be overseen all inclusive, which results in […]
Tracking Dynamics of Opinion Behaviors with a Content-based Sequential Opinion Influence Model
ABSTRACT: These days, online life has turned into a well known channel for individuals to trade suppositions through the client created content. Investigating the components about how clients’ suppositions towards items are impacted by companions, and further anticipating their future sentiments have pulled in extraordinary consideration from corporate directors and specialists. Different impact models have […]
Hashtagger+: Efficient High-Coverage Social Tagging of Streaming News
ABSTRACT: News and web-based social networking presently assume a synergistic job and neither one of the domains can be gotten a handle on in disconnection. On one hand, stages, for example, Twitter have played a focal job in the dispersal and utilization of news. Then again, news editors depend via web-based networking media for following […]
Tracking Dynamics of Opinion Behaviors with a Content-based Sequential Opinion Influence Model
ABSTRACT: These days, online life has turned into a well known channel for individuals to trade suppositions through the client created content. Investigating the components about how clients’ suppositions towards items are impacted by companions, and further anticipating their future sentiments have pulled in extraordinary consideration from corporate directors and specialists. Different impact models have […]
Serendipitous Recommendation in E-Commerce Using Innovator-Based Collaborative Filtering
ABSTRACT: Cooperative separating (CF) calculations have been broadly used to assemble recommender frameworks since they have recognizing capacity of sharing aggregate wisdoms and encounters. Be that as it may, they may effortlessly fall into the device of the Matthew impact, which will in general prescribe prevalent things and subsequently less well known things turn out […]
Characterizing and Countering Communal Microblogs During Disaster Events
ABSTRACT: The immense measure of tweets posted amid a debacle occasion incorporates data about the current circumstance and the feelings/sentiments of the majority. While glancing through these tweets, we understood that a lot of common tweets, i.e., harsh posts focusing on particular religious/racial gatherings are posted notwithstanding amid cataclysmic events this paper centers around such […]
A Hybrid Approach for Detecting Automated Spammers in Twitter
ABSTRACT: Twitter is a standout amongst the most well known microblogging administrations, which is for the most part used to share news and updates through short messages limited to 280 characters. Be that as it may, its open nature and extensive client base are as often as possible abused via robotized spammers, content polluters, and […]
Webpage Depth Viewability Prediction using Deep Sequential Neural Networks
ABSTRACT: Show publicizing is the most vital income hotspot for distributers in the web based distributing industry. The advertisement valuing principles are moving to another model in which promotions are paid just in the event that they are seen. Subsequently, a vital issue for distributers is to foresee the likelihood that a promotion at a […]