
Embedded Project on Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers

ABSTRACT: The project is designed to demonstrate how multiple microcontrollers can be associated in a network to achieve the desired output. This technology is broadly used as a part of modern automobiles. More and more microcontrollers are embedded in different kinds of product from the industrial environment to domestic area; the good example is in […]


Embedded Project on Distance Measurement by Ultrasonic Sensor

ABSTRACT: The project is intended to measure the distance of any object by utilizing an ultrasonic transducer. Ultrasonic methods for remove estimation is a helpful technique contrasted with customary one utilizing estimation scales. This sort of estimation is especially relevant to inaccessible areas where traditional means can’t be implemented, for example, high temperature, pressure zones […]


Embedded Project on Tampered Energy Meter Information Conveyed to Concerned Authority by Wireless Communication

ABSTRACT: The fundamental goal of this project is to send a message something specific in case of energy meter being altered. The alarm message is sent through GSM modem to the concerned specialist. As power utilization is expanding, so is the endeavor for altering the vitality meter. Recognizing an altered meter is just conceivable when the […]


Embedded Project on Object Detection by Ultrasonic Means

ABSTRACT: The project is intended to show the deduction of any object in front of the ultrasonic transducer. It can be utilized for applications like security territory observing and natural life photography and so forth. This ultrasonic identifier comprises two sections: a producer, which delivers a 40 kHz sound wave; and an indicator, which identifies […]


Embedded Project on Password-Based Circuit Breaker

ABSTRACT: The project is intended to a control a circuit breaker with help of a password only. A keypad is associated with the task to enter the watchword. Fatal electrical accidents to the lineman are expanding amid the electric line repair because of the absence of communication and co-appointment between the support staff and the electric […]