ABSTRACT: The android places finder system comprises of a list of places registered in the server memory. The android devices go about as a customer and PC goes about as a server. The places information is stored on the server and cell phone is utilized to get to it with a specific end goal display […]
Android Local Train Ticketing Project
ABSTRACT: A local train ticketing system project for local trains that enables clients to book local train tickets and get ticket receipt on the online. This local train project gives login rights to normal clients and administrator. A normal client may login and get a ticket on the web, print it and travel by train. The […]
Android Inventory Tracker
ABSTRACT: The project Android Inventory tracking system is an android application that permits tracking inventory effortlessly. This project will track the area of the inventory and is beneficial if there should be an occurrence of the large inventory. This application makes it easier to manage large inventories as it helps in tracking it which reduces […]
Android Group Expense Tracker Application
ABSTRACT: This Expense Tracker application falls in the Finance Category and serves the important need of managing finance which is an important part of one’s life. This application enables multiple or single clients to keep up a digital automated diary. A client needs to register initially to get to the application for which the client will […]
Android File finder and Sorting
ABSTRACT: File finder and sorting is a system created for android mobile phones that helps a client in finding the organizer that he wishes. The system can even sort the file as indicated by provided sorted option. It is an application developed effectively utilizing user-friendly and appealing GUI that produces accurate results. People usually forget […]
Android Employee Tracker
ABSTRACT: This system is a combination of web and as well as the android application where the client will utilize the Android application and administrator and also HR will work with a web application. This application is designed for field work Employers. The Employee will have this application in his android mobile phone when the client […]
Android Electricity Bill Payment Project
ABSTRACT: The project is an Android-based application where clients can get the instant electricity bill and pay them online by means of a credit card. The system computerizes the conventional procedure of paying the electricity bill by visiting the place. Clients need to remain in line for paying a bill and wait for their turn. […]
Android Customer Relationship Management App
ABSTRACT: Client relationship management (CRM) is a system for dealing with an organization’s interactions with present and future clients. It frequently includes utilizing innovation to organize, automate and synchronize deals. Organization worker must monitor present and future clients to synchronize deals. Physically it isn’t workable for the representative to keep records of the considerable all […]
Android Crime Reporter & Missing Person Finder
ABSTRACT: We here propose an android crime reporter which tracks the examination status of criminal cases with logs and in addition, it additionally tracks complaints logged by the client. The system is proposed to enable offices to like CBI, CID and other such agencies to accelerate their examination procedure and to track the status of […]
Android Civil Administration Reporting Project
ABSTRACT: We propose to develop a unique system that interfaces local people to the high authority in the Civil Administration Office. The system allows clients to register and when they register a record with a unique id is made in the system. A client would then be able to register an account with unique id […]