ASP Project On Voting For Cyber System
Today in the cyber era the web has addressed as well as influenced each and every aspect of human life. Its interoperability has grown to such heights that perhaps George Bernard Shaw would have expressed as ‘Cyber-web here, cyber-web there, and cyber-web everywhere’.
One was the use of Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) in all polling booths making this the largest electronic election ever conducted in the world. Many international observers have hailed the Indian EVM system and it is a matter of pride for our country to be in the forefront of electronic elections in the entire world.
With the enactment of the Information Technology Act 2000, the electronic document has got legal recognition. The ever-increasing use of ‘Electronic Voting Machines’ in the elections to record, process and store the votes cast to record the votes cast will probably bring the section of the Information Technology act 2000into play.
The above two suggestions if implemented will ensure that
a) Voter List is Accurate. All genuine voters find their names in the list and bogus names are eliminated by the public pointing out the mistakes.
b) A voter can satisfy himself that his vote has not been tampered with.
c) Judiciary can use acceptable evidence to cancel any vote if a proper complaint is made.
As a result of the above the problems of “Bogus Voting” and “Vote Rigging” can both be reduced to a substantial extent.
There is no doubt that these E-Governance measures are only tools of better management of elections and there is still a need for the public to be
1) Vigilant enough to check if their names are available in the list and no bogus name appears in the list at their address
2) Verify at the post result stage that his/her vote is correctly accounted for.
3) Complain to the right authority if the vote is rigged.
Current approaches to electronic voting present serious limitations:
• The systems can only be used in traditional voting locations where special machines are installed;
• There is no guarantee of privacy and no safeguard that the vote cannot be revealed and exploited by third parties;
• The voting process cannot be verified unless vote counting is checked with sample votes.
Bringing the voting place to the citizens’ home or actual location is an important step towards the following years where real-time democracy is within reach for all.
The Cyber Vote project aims at developing the first highly-secure cyber voting prototype based on HTML and ASP.NET technologies that will enable citizens to cast their vote over the Internet, from personal computers, in total confidence and anonymity.
• Eligibility and Authentication—only authorized voters should be able to vote;
• Uniqueness—no voter should be able to vote more than once;
• Accuracy— the system should record the votes correctly;
• Integrity—votes should not be able to be modified, forged, or deleted without detection;
• Verifiability and Auditability—verify that all votes have been correctly accounted for; reliable and authentic election records
• Reliability—work without loss of any votes, in the face of many possible failures;
• Secrecy and Non-Coercibility—no one should be able to determine how any individual voted; voters should not be able to prove how they voted;
• Flexibility—allow a variety of ballot formats (e.g., write-in candidates, multiple languages); be accessible to people with disabilities;
• Convenience—require minimal voter equipment or skill;
• Certifiability—testable so that election officials have confidence that they meet the necessary criteria;
• Transparency—voters should be able to possess a general understanding of the voting process; and
• Cost-effectiveness
1. Administration module
2. Field officer module
3. Citizen module
1 Administration:
An administrator will enter into the next form by entering the username, password in this login page, after entering into next page Administrator will add new details and he can also delete. Constitution and district details, an admin will activate the users and their profile for being part of the website and he will activate the users and after user completing their voting admin will count their votes count will generate automatically for individual parties and he will be having the whole report with him. , and if he wants he will modify and maintains everything by date wise.
1 Field officers:
Field officer will contain whole voter information means he will have whole citizen information about their contact details, voter id, district, constitution
And all the details about the citizen and he will send that report to admin
2 Citizens:
Citizens are user’s first login into valid username and password If Use is not registered then User will register the details first. After getting registered user will get username and password with that he will enter the site and they will get their voter id and they will vote for their required party.
Hardware Requirements:
Processor: Pentium 4
Processor Speed: 2.40GHz
RAM: 512 MB
Hard Disk: 80GB
CD Drive: Samsung 52X
Software Requirements:
Environment : Visual studio .NET 2005
.NET Framework: VERSION 2.0
Language: ASP.NET with C#
Operating System: Windows 2000/XP
Back End: SQL Server 2000