- The main objective is to find out the approximate answers for the systems facing Dynamic Failure, in less time.
- We are going to do query processing in peer to peer network.
- The existing system uses a structured P2P network with Distributed Hash Table. In the existing system, exact query processing is possible, but there are certain disadvantages.
- A structured network is organized in such a way that data items are located at specific nodes in the network, and those nodes maintain some state information to enable efficient retrieval of data.
- Structured nodes are not efficient and flexible enough for applications where nodes join or leave the network frequently.
- The Sequential Algorithm is used which increases the latency of the project.
- Since the nodes are selected sequentially, if any node gets disconnected, the exact answer is not received. And identification of the disconnected node becomes tedious and sometimes impossible.
- The existing system uses a structured network. It uses the Distributed hash table which provides scalability advantages over the unstructured network.
- A structured P2P network is one which is organized in such a way that data items are located at specific nodes in network, and nodes maintain some state information to enable efficient retrieval of data
- Existing system uses Sequential approach for selection of nodes which increases the latency of the system.
- The average output and the probability of all peers have to be found manually in the existing system.
- The existing system uses precomputed samples for random sampling
- The queries are passed one by one in the existing system. Hence it increases the latency.
The proposed system uses the unstructured P2P network.
- No assumptions about the location of the data items in the node are made in our project.
- We can join the nodes at random times and depart without a prior notification.
- We use approximate query processing to reduce the latency, which is the aim of our project.
- It is possible to run the project by dynamically adding and removing the nodes.
- As P2P systems mature beyond file sharing applications and start getting deployed in increasingly sophisticated e-business and scientific environments, the vast amount of data within P2P databases poses a different challenge that has not been adequately researched.
- Aggregation queries have the potential of finding applications in decision support, data analysis, and data mining. For example, millions of peers across the world may be cooperating on a grand experiment in astronomy, and astronomers may be interested in asking queries that require the aggregation of vast amounts of data covering thousands of peers.
- There is real-world value for aggregation queries in Intrusion Detection Systems and application signature analysis in P2P networks.
- Hard disk: 40 GB
- RAM: 512 MB
- Processor Speed: 00GHz
- Processor: Pentium IV Processor
- Front End : VS .NET 2005
- Code Behind: C#.net
- Back End: SQL Server 2000