Android Places Finder Project


The android places finder system comprises of a list of places registered in the server memory. The android devices go about as a customer and PC goes about as a server. The places information is stored on the server and cell phone is utilized to get to it with a specific end goal display to the client.

It comprises of an administrator login that allows the administrator to enter and store different places in the system. After successful entry, the places get put away alongwith their logo, area and portrayal in the system. The system when the client by client enables him to first choose an area in the drop down rundown. The system currently enables a client to choose a sort of spots from the following list:

• Restaurants

• Theatres

• Hotels

• Attractions

• Gyms

Since the system has got all of clients needs, the system now searches its database for every one of the results according to clients choices. It at that point creates those outcomes up on the show screen. Presently client may click on a specific result among the lists to check its details.

• Places Entry: Admin may enter details of clients puts similarly as with logo, description, add, ess and location picture.

• User search: For look client should first search the area and afterward, select the kind of place he needs to look.

• System process: The system currently forms this information and raise comes about according to clients needs from its database.

• Result Display: The system now shows these results on a client display to see.

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