The noticeboard is the one of the best medium compared to another medium for communications with the mass media. Notice boards are normally utilized public utility places. The project, GSM Supported e-Notice Board is an SMS-based and Android-driven Digital display board system, intended to enhance the taking note forms by utilizing GSM. The proposed system will assist the client with displaying views from anywhere with the help of client’s Android cell phone, remotely. The android application gives security to the system. Client sends the notification by SMS, which is gotten at GSM modem and show on LCD see board. This venture is our test on the constant taking note.
- 233 MHz processor.
- 128 MB SD-RAM
- 2 – 4 GB Hard-Disk.
- 4x Compact Disk drive or quicker.
- 1.44 MB Floppy Disk Drive.
- Monitor. [ 640 x 480 Display ]
- Front End – PHP
- Back End – MySQL 5.0
- Server – Apache Server 2.0
- Design Tool – Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0
- Documentation Tools – Microsoft Word
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