.NET Project On PSMPA Patient Self-Controllable and Multi-Level Privacy-Preserving Cooperative

ABSTRACT: The Distributed m-healthcare cloud computing system significantly facilitates secure and efficient patient treatment for medical consultation by sharing personal health data among the healthcare providers. This system ought to achieve the challenge of keeping both the information confidentiality and patients’ identity privacy simultaneously. Much existing access control and anonymous authentication plans can’t be straightforwardly […]


IFS04-Towards More Accurate Matching of Contactless Palmprint Images under Less Constrained Environments

ABSTRACT: Contactless personal identification utilizing biometrics qualities brings multifaceted advantages with enhanced cleanliness, client security, and the convenience. Such imaging likewise produces deformation free palmprint images which can prompt higher matching exactness as the ground truth data is better protected as contrasted and those from contact-based imaging. Advancement of palmprint identification technologies for new domains […]


IFS02-Privacy-preserving Indexing and Query Processing for Secure Dynamic Cloud Storage

ABSTRACT: With the increasing popularity of cloud-based data services, data proprietors are highly motivated to store their huge amount of potentially sensitive personal data files on remote servers in encoded form. Customers later can query over the encrypted database to retrieve files while protecting the privacy of both the queries and the database, by permitting some reasonable […]


IFS01-Efficient Retrieval over Documents Encrypted by Attributes in Cloud Computing

ABSTRACT: Secure document storage and retrieval are one of the hottest research headings in cloud computing. Despite the fact that many searchable encryption plans have been proposed, few of them bolster effective retrieval over the documents which are encrypted based of their attributes. In this project, a hierarchical attribute-based encryption scheme is first designed for […]


KDE07-PrivateGraph: Privacy-Preserving Spectral Analysis of Encrypted Graphs in the Cloud

ABSTRACT: With the wide deployment of public clouds, proprietors of big graphs need to utilize the cloud to deal with the scalability issues. However, the privacy and ownership for graphs in the cloud has turned into a major concern. In this project, we examine privacy-preserving algorithms for graph spectral analysis of outsourced encrypted graph in […]


KDE06-Secure and Efficient Skyline Queries on Encrypted Data-knowledge

ABSTRACT: Outsourcing data to cloud server gives a cost-effective way approach to support large-scale data storage and query processing. Be that as it may, because of security and privacy concerns, sensitive information (e.g., medical records) should be protected from the cloud server and other unauthorized clients. One approach is to outsource encrypted data to the cloud server […]


KDE05-DeepClue: Visual Interpretation of Text-based Deep Stock Prediction-knowledge

ABSTRACT: The recent advance of deep learning has enabled trading algorithms to predict stock value developments all the more accurately. Unfortunately, there is a critical gap in the real-world deployment of this breakthrough. This project presents DeepClue, a system develop to connect text-based deep learning models and end clients through visually interpreting the key elements learned […]