EE011 – Analysis of Textile Mill Waste Water

ABSTRACT: Textile industry is a standout amongst the most essential and quickly creating modern segments in Türkiye. It has a high significance as far as its natural effect, since it expends extensively high measures of handled water and creates profoundly contaminated release water in huge sums. Material plants in Türkiye are required to control their release also, accordingly […]


EE010 – Site Suitability Evaluation for Textile Sewage Water Treatment Plant Using Remote Sensing Techniques

ABSTRACT: Site reasonableness assessment for waste administration is turning into a noteworthy criteria for safeguarding the ecological debasement. On the off chance that legitimate area for the treatment plant isn’t chosen then it might prompt soil corruption and ground water contamination. The investigation zone is arranged in the southern part of Tamil Nadu, India that is as of […]


EE009 – Conversion of Salt Water into Drinking Water

ABSTRACT: Desalination techniques are utilized to change over saline/bitter water to drinkable freshwater. Real procedures utilize either warm vitality (ordinary refining) or weight vitality (Reverse assimilation). Diverse techniques for desalination are examined and their effect on in general water creation has been featured. With the expansion in gratefulness for a green innovation, desalination techniques utilizing inexhaustible/squander vitality are drawing noteworthy consideration lately. Applying […]


EE008 – Sampling and Analysis of Industrial Waste Water and Reuse

ABSTRACT: Industrial Wastewater Treatment, Recycling and Reuse is an available reference to help you when taking care of wastewater treatment and reusing. It includes an informational aggregation of philosophies, including progressed physico-synthetic techniques and organic strategies for treatment. It centers around ongoing industry practices and inclinations, alongside more current strategies for vitality age through waste. […]


EE006 – Removal of Toxic Metal from Industrial Water Using Groundnut Shell

ABSTRACT: Lethal overwhelming metal sullying of mechanical wastewater is an imperative ecological issue. Numerous businesses, for example, electroplating, colors, metallurgical procedures, and mining and cowhide businesses discharge different groupings of overwhelming metals. Metal particles, for example, cadmium, nickel, chromium, copper, lead, zinc, manganese and iron are normally identified in both common and mechanical effluents. Substantial metal contamination has turned out […]


EE005- Design of sedimentation tank

ABSTRACT: The present practice for the structure of essential settling tanks depends on the flood rate relating to the rate evacuation utilizing isoremoval plots. The structure strategy would be more objective in the event that it depended on the evacuation productivity and the scour basis of the kept particles. This specialized note presents shut frame […]


EE004 – Solid waste management

ABSTRACT: The wretched condition of and challenges in civil strong waste administration (MSWM) in urban India is the inspiration of the present investigation. Urbanization contributes improved metropolitan strong waste (MSW) age and informal taking care of of MSW debases the urban condition and causes wellbeing dangers. In this paper, an endeavor is made to assess the real parameters of […]


EE003 – Sewage Treatment Plant Design For a City

ABSTRACT: The earth is partitioned into the lithosphere or land masses and the hydrosphere or the seas, lakes, streams and underground waters. The hydrosphere incorporates the whole amphibian condition. Our reality both lithosphere and hydrosphere is molded by differing living things. Lasting structures of life make natural issue and in blend with inorganic materials help set up soil. Plants cover the […]