
Embedded IEEE Project  Robotic Testing of Mobile Apps for Truly Black-Box Automation

ABSTRACT: We advocate a Robotic Testing approach to address the profound shift we are currently witnessing, from desktop to mobile computation. This is a trend which is projected to gather pace, accelerated by a concomitant shift from desktop to mobile ownership. Automated software testing is needed more than ever in this emerging mobile world, yet we may need to […]


Embedded IEEE Project  Mine Detecting Robot Prototyping

ABSTRACT: Robot application for human security is an important topic in the research domain. From military area to the medical one, numerous applications are created to enhance human life. A mine recognizing robot is a revolutionary military advancement and a lifesaving development that can profit humankind as all. The robot is guided by an android application […]


Security-Aware Waveforms for Enhancing Wireless Communications Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems via Multipath Receptions

ABSTRACT: Cyber-physical system (CPS), viewed as the up and coming age of designed system, has the ability to collaborate with the genuine physical world. Utilizations of CPS range different fields, for example,  medical monitoring, traffic control, and smart grid. With such boundless applications, protection confirmation is ending up increasingly critical since what the CPS associates […]


Resource Allocation in Vehicular Cloud Computing Systems with Heterogeneous Vehicles and Roadside Units

ABSTRACT: Vehicular distributed computing (VCC) system facilitates the vehicular cloud (comprising of vehicles’ figuring assets) and the remote cloud legitimately to give in-time administrations to clients. Apreviousrvious works had built up the models for asset portion in the VCC system in view of semi-Markov choice procedures (SMDP), few of them talked about the heterogeneity of […]


LoDPD: A Location Difference-based Proximity Detection Protocol for Fog Computing

ABSTRACT: proximity recognition is a standout amongst the most widely recognized area based applications in day by day life when clients goal to discover their companions who get into their nearness. Concentrates on securing client protection data amid the discovery procedure have been generally concerned. In this project, we initially break down a hypothetical and […]


Graph Encryption for Top-K Nearest Keyword Search Queries on Cloud

ABSTRACT: Driven by the developing security requests for information outsourcing applications in supportable brilliant urban areas, scrambling customers’ information has been broadly acknowledged by the scholarly world and industry. Information encryptions ought to be done at the customer side before outsourcing, in light of the fact that mists and edges are not trusted. In this […]


Energy Theft Detection in Multi-Tenant Data Centers with Digital Protective Relay Deployment

ABSTRACT: Superior server farms fill in as the foundation of the overall distributed computing worldview. Among server farms with various operational structures, multi-occupant server farms (MTDCs) are progressively famous among different network access suppliers for the simplicity of arrangement. Notwithstanding the offered benefits, MTDCs are powerless against different cyber attacks. An essential cyberattack is vitality […]


Optimal Task Dispatching on Multiple Heterogeneous Multiserver Systems with Dynamic Speed and Power Management

ABSTRACT: Cloud load balancing is the way toward distributing workloads over different processing assets in a cloud domain. Load distribution in cloud computing systems is more testing than in different systems. The reason for the project is to address the issue of ideal task dispatching on different heterogeneous multiserver systems with dynamic speed and power […]


DLTSR: A Deep Learning Framework for Recommendation of Long-tail Web Services Sustainable Computing

ABSTRACT: With the developing popularity of web services, an ever-increasing number of developers are making multiple services into mashups. Developers demonstrate an expanding enthusiasm for non-mainstream administrations (i.e., long-tail ones), notwithstanding, there are rare examinations attempting to address the long-tail web benefit proposal issue. The real difficulties for suggesting long-tail administrations accurately include serious sparsity […]