The Vulcanizing procedure is a principal part of the Rubber enterprises. Ordinarily, the Vulcanizing machine is physically hand worked one for medium and little scale elastic enterprises. In our venture is “PNEUMATIC VULCANIZING MACHINE”.
Robotization in the advanced world is unavoidable. Any programmed machine went for the sparing utilization of man, machine, and material worth the most. In our venture is a solenoid valve and control timing unit is utilized for mechanization.
The Vulcanizing machine works with the assistance of pneumatic Single Acting chamber. The cylinder is associated with the moving vulcanizing Dies. It is utilized to the little size of warming procedure between the two elastic materials. The machine is convenient in the estimate, so natural transportable.
This is a period of mechanization where it is comprehensively characterized as substitution of manual exertion by mechanical power in all level of computerization. The activity remains a basic piece of the framework despite the fact that with changing requests on physical contribution as the level of automation is expanded.
Degrees of robotization are of two kinds, viz.
• Full robotization
• Semi robotization
In semi robotization, a blend of manual exertion and mechanical power is required while in full mechanization human investment of extremely insignificant.
• Reduction of lab our and material cost
• Reduction of general cost
• Increased generation
• Increased wellbeing
• Reduction in weariness
• Improved workforce comfort
1)it needs an air source to work