Php project on Secured file Downloading system


On the off chance that you’ve built up any sort of web-based business framework that offers downloadable records, you’ve confronted this issue. How would I shield my records from robbery? All the time, the issue doesn’t concern installment. Numerous sites offer helpful records for nothing. All they ask consequently is that the individual downloading the document just enters some individual points of interest, or rounds out a frame for the chairman’s records. Very frequently, individuals would prefer even not to do that and they look for approaches to go around the web server’s security.

The key issue in this situation is the way that, regardless of which way you take a gander at it, at last, you bring to the table clients a connection to the downloadable record. When somebody has that connection, they can offer it to their companions and associates, who at that point basically go around the greater part of your security includes and download the record specifically. None of the security highlights you set up merit anything if a client realizes that last connect to the downloadable record itself. I’ve seen locales that make a huge effort to “shroud” these connections (counting covering the connection by composing particular content in the program’s status bar when a client floats over it). A basic “View Source” evades all these safety efforts.

The issue lies in the way that your downloadable document (regardless of whether it be a .pdf, .doc, or .zip – or even a .exe) has no real way to choose whether it should serve itself or not. You can’t put rationale in these records to choose whether or not to serve them.

One option is to put framework security on the organizer in which these records well. This isn’t generally suitable, however, as you would need to make another framework (Windows) represent every enrollment, send the individual their username and secret word, and after that expel their client account from the framework once they have downloaded the record. This makes for an organization bad dream (also a significantly greater framework security issue). What’s more, in case you’re facilitating your site with an outside ISP, it’s exceedingly impossible that they’ll enable you to make and erase client accounts on their server freely.

The basic arrangement underneath shuts the above security gap by putting away the downloadable document outside a site and afterward serving the record straightforwardly from a site page. At the end of the day, you may connect to MyFileServer.aspx and get MyPdfDownload.pdf, for instance – with no real connection to MyPdfDownload.pdf offered anyplace on your site.


• Minimum Configuration:

To run the application programming of the framework in the PC the base design required is as beneath:

 233 MHz processor.

 128 MB SD-RAM

 2 – 4 GB Hard-Disk.

 4x Compact Disk drive or speedier.

 1.44 MB Floppy Disk Drive.

 Monitor. [ 640 x 480 Display ]

This is the short presentation of Hardware Configuration for the framework. The framework can work in most up to date innovation moreover. It is simply telling that framework can work with old innovation likewise at the same time, it comprises this least arrangement of Hardware.


Executive requires some product. This product is utilized for the advancement, for example, coding and testing. Records are given beneath:

• Front End – PHP

• Back End – MySQL 5.0

• Server – Apache Server 2.0

• Design Tool – Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0

• Documentation Tools – Microsoft Word

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