.NET Project On Supporting Search-As-You-Type Using SQL in Databases


A  search-as-you-type system computes answers on-the-fly as a client type in a keyword query character by character. We study how to support search-as-you-type on data residing in a relational DBMS. We focus on how to support this kind of search utilizing the native database language, SQL. A principle challenge is the means by which to use existing database functionalities to meet high-performance requirement to achieve an interactive speed. We study how to use auxiliary indexes stored as tables to increase search performance. We present solutions for both single-keyword queries and multi-keyword queries and develop novel techniques for fuzzy search using SQL by allowing mismatches between query keywords and answers. We present techniques to answer first-N queries and discuss how to support updates efficiently. Experiments on large, real data sets show that our techniques enable DBMS systems on a commodity computer to support search-as-you-type on tables with millions of records.


Most search engines and online search forms support auto-completion, which shows suggested queries or even answers “on the fly” as a user types in a keyword query character by character.

Since many search systems store their data in a backend relational DBMS, an inquiry emerges normally: how to help look as-you-type on the information living in a DBMS? A few databases, for example, Oracle and SQL server as of now bolster prefix inquiry, and we could utilize this component to do search-as-you-type. In any case, not all databases give this element. Consequently, we consider new strategies that can be utilized as a part of everything being equal. One approach is to build up a different application layer on the database to construct indexes and implement algorithms for answering queries.


In this project, we create different methods to address these difficulties. we propose two types of strategies to help search-as-you-type for single-keyword queries, in view of whether they require additional index structures stored as auxiliary tables.

We talk about the strategies that utilization SQL to scan a table and verify each record by calling a user define a function (UDF) or utilizing the LIKE predicate. We consider how to help fuzzy search for single-keyword queries.

We examine a gram-based strategy and a UDF-based technique. As the two techniques have a low execution, we propose a new neighborhood-generation based method, utilizing the possibility that two strings are similar only if they have common neighbors obtained by deleting characters.

We extend the procedures to help multi-keyword questions. We build up a word-level incremental technique to effectively answer multi-keyword questions. Notice that when sent in a Web application, the incremental-calculation algorithm doesn’t have to keep up session data, since the results of earlier queries are stored inside the database and shared by future queries.

DOWNLOAD: Supporting Search-As-You-Type

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