The goal of this project is to develop a system for wireless message communication between two PCs utilizing 2.4 GHz trans-receiver units.
In offices, communication between employees is essential. This project utilizes a pair of 2.4 GHz transceiver modules duly powered by 5 volt DC and alarm circuits. They are utilized for bi-directional real-time chat communication with one PC to another wirelessly utilizing hyper terminal.
While one of the clients attempts to initiate a chat, intimation upon that message is received first by a buzzer sound. Thereafter the other client can begin communicating over the chat mode from his PC.
A pair of transceiver modules is connected with the PCs utilizing a DB9 (De-Sub) connector and through serial information, string utilizing RS232 protocol communication between the module and the PC. An on-board devoted ac to dc control supply is utilized at both ends to the power units.
This concept in future can be further improved to interface more number of frameworks shaping a system of committed PCs to such an extent the at number of employees can communicate with each other.