.NET IEEE PROJECT ON FastGeo: Efficient Geometric Range Queries on Encrypted Spatial Data

Abstract: Spatial information have wide applications, e.g., area-based administrations, and geometric range inquiries (i.e., discovering focuses inside geometric regions, e.g., circles or polygons) are one of the major inquiry works over spatial information. The rising interest of outsourcing information is moving expansive scale datasets, including vast scale spatial datasets, to open mists. In the interim, because […]


Enhancing Performance and Energy Efficiency for Hybrid Workloads in Virtualized Cloud Environment

ABSTRACT: Virtualization has accomplished standard status in big business IT industry. In spite of its across the board appropriation, it is realized that virtualization likewise presents non-paltry overhead when executing undertakings on a virtual machine (VM). Specifically, a consolidated impact from gadget virtualization overhead and CPU booking dormancy can cause execution corruption when calculation concentrated […]


Security-Aware Waveforms for Enhancing Wireless Communications Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems via Multipath Receptions

ABSTRACT: Cyber-physical system (CPS), viewed as the up and coming age of designed system, has the ability to collaborate with the genuine physical world. Utilizations of CPS range different fields, for example,  medical monitoring, traffic control, and smart grid. With such boundless applications, protection confirmation is ending up increasingly critical since what the CPS associates […]


Resource Allocation in Vehicular Cloud Computing Systems with Heterogeneous Vehicles and Roadside Units

ABSTRACT: Vehicular distributed computing (VCC) system facilitates the vehicular cloud (comprising of vehicles’ figuring assets) and the remote cloud legitimately to give in-time administrations to clients. Apreviousrvious works had built up the models for asset portion in the VCC system in view of semi-Markov choice procedures (SMDP), few of them talked about the heterogeneity of […]