KDE05-DeepClue: Visual Interpretation of Text-based Deep Stock Prediction-knowledge

ABSTRACT: The recent advance of deep learning has enabled trading algorithms to predict stock value developments all the more accurately. Unfortunately, there is a critical gap in the real-world deployment of this breakthrough. This project presents DeepClue, a system develop to connect text-based deep learning models and end clients through visually interpreting the key elements learned […]


KDE03-Modeling and Predicting Community Structure Changes in Time-Evolving Social Networks

ABSTRACT: As time evolves, a community in a social network may experience different changes known as critical events. For example, a community can either split into a few different communities, project into a larger community, shrink to a smaller community, remain stable or merge into another network. Prediction of critical events has attracted in expanding […]


KDE02-A New Robust Approach for Reversible Database Watermarking With Distortion Control

ABSTRACT: These days information is crucial in numerous fields, for example, such as, medicine, science, and business, where databases are utilized effectively for data sharing. In any case, the databases face the risk of being pirated, stolen or abused, which may bring about a lot of security threats concerning proprietorship rights, data tempering and privacy protection. […]


PDC01-Budget and Deadline Aware e-Science Workflow Scheduling in Clouds

ABSTRACT: Essential science is becoming ever more computationally intensive, expanding the requirement for large-scale compute and storage resources, be they inside a High-Performance Computer cluster, or most recently within the cloud. As a rule, the large-scale scientific calculation is represented to as a workflow for planning and runtime provisioning. Such planning turns into a much additionally challenging […]


MC02-Dynamic Connectivity Establishment and Cooperative Scheduling for QoS-Aware Wireless Body Area Networks

ABSTRACT: In a hospital environment, the total number of Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) equipped patients asking ubiquitous healthcare services benefits in an area increments fundamentally. Along these lines, increased traffic load and group-based mobility of WBANs degrades the execution of each WBAN fundamentally, concerning service delay and network throughput. What’s more, the mobility of […]


KDE01-Exploiting the Dynamic Mutual Influence for Predicting Social Event Participation

ABSTRACT: It is commonly observed that social events are organized through online social network services, and in this manner, there are vested interests in studying event-oriented social gathering through SNSs. The focal point of existing studies has been put on the analysis of event profiles or individual participation records. While there is the dynamic mutual […]


MC01-Selfish Decentralized Computation Offloading for Mobile Cloud Computing in Dense Wireless Networks

ABSTRACT: Offloading computation to a mobile cloud is a promising solution to augment the calculation capabilities of the cell phone devices. In this project, we consider selfish mobile phones in a dense wireless network, in which individual mobile phones can offload calculations through multiple access point or through the base station to a mobile cloud to […]


DSC02-Enabling Efficient User Revocation in Identity-based Cloud Storage Auditing for Shared Big Data

ABSTRACT: Cloud storage auditing plans for shared data refer to checking the integrity of the cloud data shared by a group of clients. The client revocation is commonly supported in such plans, as clients might be subject to group membership changes for different reasons. Already, the computational overhead for client revocation in such plans is […]


DSC01-Privacy-Preserving Location-Based Services Query Scheme Against Quantum Attacks

ABSTRACT: Location-based service (LBS) gives an ever increasing number of convenience to people. However, it brings opportunities to leak clients’ privacy. The greater part of the existing privacy-preserving LBS plans depend on traditional hardness issues, for example, the integer factorization or the discrete logarithm problems. However, with the advancement of a quantum calculation, these traditional hardness issues […]