Abstract: The expanding advances in Internet Technologies in all application areas have changed ways of life and communications. With the fast improvement of E-Learning, communitarian learning is imperative for instructing, learning techniques and procedures. Communication between the understudies likewise understudy with the educator is critical for an understudy to pick up information. In this paper, […]
E-commerce Complaint Management System
Abstract: Clients may have protested about its items. They will be given an item id for every item, where they can send protestation in view of the item id when they find a lame item.The objections can be doled out to various people and will get followed to conclusion. The “Online Complaint Management System” (OCMS) […]
Abstract: “U Auction” is an online sale site went for taking the bartering the fingertips of hoping for bidders thereby opening up the entryways of the “OPEN Auction House’ to a more extensive cross segment of Art Lovers and Antique Collectors. This site additionally goes about as an open discussion where purchasers and merchants can […]
Document Fraud Detecting System
Abstract: An information merchant has given touchy information to an arrangement of as far as anyone knows confided in operators (outsiders). A portion of the information is spilled and found in an unapproved put (e.g., on the web or some person’s PC). The merchant must evaluate the probability that the spilled information originated from at […]
Development of an e-Post Office System
Abstract: The e-Post Office is the shopping gateway of the widely acclaimed postal administration on the web and an extra conveyance channel. It offers Stamps, PostCards, Packets, Cartons and has administrations like messenger, enlisting for power merchants, offering portable cards, and so forth. Under this site, numerous items and administrations can be requested, that are […]
Development of a feature-rich, Employee Transfer Application.
Abstract: Build up an Intranet Application for ABC Technologies Ltd. for keeping up data identified with its representative’s exchange and creating the exchange related reports. This application would encourage the framework head (Higher Management) to look through the representative’s exchange record, make new exchanges and furthermore correct the stipends offered to the worker which normally […]
Question Answering System for an Effective Collaborative Learning
Abstract: The expanding advances in Internet Technologies in all application spaces have changed ways of life and cooperations. With the fast improvement of E-Learning, shared learning is essential for educating, learning techniques and procedures. The connection between the understudies likewise understudy with the educator is vital for an understudy to pick up learning. In this […]
Php project on Avoid Food Wastage
Abstract: This task is utilized to oversee wastage sustenances helpfully. Consistently the general population is squandering loads of sustenances. So we need to lessen that nourishment wastage issue through on the web. On the off chance that anybody has wastage nourishments they are entering their sustenance amount points of interest and their address in that […]
Advance Company Account System
Abstract: ERP is a capable human asset instrument for keeping up representative and friends data. In excess of an information stockpiling program, ERP causes you deal with your workers. ERP offers a wide assortment of Reports that give you precisely the data you require. View finance data by the office, or find everybody who is […]
PHP File Tracker Manager
Document Track Manager is a framework intended for Tanzania Revenue Authority with the end goal of observing citizens records. The motivation behind why we made this framework was because of the loss of citizen records either by representatives or removal of the document. Record Manager has 3 get to levels: The Admin who is responsible […]