
Embedded Project on Incoming Phone Ring Light Flasher

ABSTRACT: The project is designed to construct an approaching telephone ring flasher appropriate for noisy environment conditions. A phone line is connected through an opto isolator to drive a relay at whatever telephone ring is identified by the circuit. The lamp flashes at whenever there is an incomming call. This framework is highly helpful in […]


Embedded Project on Rhythm Following Flashing Lights

ABSTRACT: The goal of this project is to develop a rhythm following flash led’s which blinks following the rhythm of the music. The light which glows as according the rhythm of the music is fascinating to watch. Researchers established that the mus lights speedup the brain waves that devlops the higher concentration levels. This project is executed […]


Embedded Project on Wireless Electronic Notice Board Using GSM

ABSTRACT: Notice Board is essential thing in any institution/organization or public utility places like bus stations, railway stations and parks. But sticking various notices day-to-day is a difficult process. This project deals with an advanced wireless notice board. The primary goal of this project is to develop a wireless notice board that DISPLAYs messages sent […]


Embedded Project on Remote Jamming Device

ABSTRACT: The project develop a remote jamming device which can jam the TV remote rays. It creates IR rays of 38 KHz for usually emitted by a standard TV remote. The rays created are powerful  to overshadow the IR receiver in TV. This framework is built by utilizing a 555 Timer in the astable mode […]


Embedded Project on Sun Tracking Solar Panel

ABSTRACT: The project utilizes a solar panel coupled to a stepper motor to track the Sun so most maximum sun light is incident upon the panel at any given time of the day. This is better compared with light sensing strategy that may not be accurate always for instance during coludy  days. With the approaching […]


Embedded Project on Railway Track Security System

ABSTRACT: The project is designed to detect a crack, if any, on the railway track and alert the respective railway department. This is to avoid rail accidents by using latest communication technologies. In this project, GSM communication protocols are utilized to convey the message of crack identification via SMS. This project utilizes a microcontroller from […]