“PNEUMATIC THREE AXIS MODERN TRAILER” is only one of the Lifting framework in vehicle at the season of crisis. In this Lifting framework pneumatically worked one. Here the extra pneumatic chamber and Control Valve is given in the vehicle itself.
In this undertaking, the Control Valve is utilized to initiate/deactivate the Air input. The Valve is ‘ON’ at the season of crisis; the compacted air goes to the pneumatic barrel. At that point the compacted air goes through the tube, and afterward pushes the pneumatic barrel, with the goal that the Lifting is connected at the season of Valve in “ON” position (i.e.- Emergency time).
The speed of the pneumatic chamber is shifted by utilizing stream control valve. This is the method for controlling Lifting pace of the Trailer at the season of crisis. In our undertaking, we need to apply this Pneumatic Modern Trailer Mechanism in Load Lifting Vehicles.
The Control Valve is settled in close of the driving people in the four wheeler. The air tank contains the compacted air effectively filled. The Valve was ON at the season of crisis, the Control Valve was enacted.
The compacted wind current is controlled by the valve is called “Stream CONTROL VALVE”. This wind stream is as of now set. At that point the compacted air goes to the pneumatic barrels. The pneumatic chambers cylinder advances at the season of compacted air bay to the barrel. The pneumatic barrels moves towards the Lifting course of action.
1) Lifting expense will be less.
2) Free from wear change.
3) Less power utilization
4) Less aptitude specialists is adequate to work.
5) Installation is disentangled in particular.
1. Need separate air tank
2. Efficiency is Low.
3. Addition cost is required to introduce this framework to four wheeler.
Four wheeler application
It is additionally actualized in Crane Application.
Download: Pneumatic 3 Axis Trailer