
Embedded IEEE Project  Agricultural Crop Monitoring using IOTA Study

Embedded IEEE Project  Agricultural Crop Monitoring using IOTA Study ABSTRACT: The Internet of things (IOT) is renovating the agribusiness empowering the ranchers with the extensive variety of systems, for example, exactness and maintainable farming to confront challenges in the field. IOT innovation helps in gathering data about conditions like climate, dampness, temperature, and ripeness of […]


Embedded IEEE Project A System for Monitoring Hand Hygiene Compliance based-on Internet-of-Things

Embedded IEEE Project A System for Monitoring Hand Hygiene Compliance based-on Internet-of-Things ABSTRACT: Studies demonstrate that the poor hand cleanliness hones in general wellbeing foundations, for example, doctor’s facilities, centers, schools and nursing homes are the doubtless reason for the spread of different bacterial maladies. Legitimate hand cleanliness is the single greatest safeguard against the […]