WRE014 – Design of an Underground Drainage system

ABSTRACT: Amid early long stretches of planning movement framework, manual computations were polished which was arduous to deal with the information and results. Presently a days, explicit virtual products are created to limit the time for estimation and enhanced situations for documentation and introductions. One of such programming is given by Bentley’s items named ‘SewerGEMS’. The condition of ‘SewerGEMS’ programming accentuation on making […]


WRE013 -Design of a Swimming Pool

ABSTRACT: A swimming pool is any developed or pre-assembled structure which contains water, utilized for swimming, jumping and other recreational washing exercises. A swimming pool can be for open, semi open or private utilize. Swimming pools come in all shapes and sizes, however almost every one of them, from the residential to the recreational, from […]


WRE011 – Design of an Overhead Tank

ABSTRACT: Capacity repositories and overhead tank are utilized to store water, fluid oil, oil based commodities and comparative fluids. The power investigation of the supplies or tanks is about the equivalent independent of the compound idea of the item. All tanks are planned as split free structures to dispense with any spillage. This venture gives in a nutshell, the hypothesis […]


WRE012 – Design of a Rectangular Water Tank

ABSTRACT: Water tanks and repositories are utilized to store fluids like water, oil or synthetic substances. For any residential and business purposes, water tanks are extremely fundamental need to meet their everyday utilize. In this project an endeavor is made to plan the rectangular underground tank, the tank is to keep up climatic temperature and […]


WRE010 – Design of a Culvert

ABSTRACT: This Manual gives auxiliary structure strategies to deltas having explicit designs that enhance pressure driven stream in courses. Water powered plan techniques for getting these channel setups are given in Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 13 (HEC No. 13), “Water driven Plan of Improved Inlets for Cuvlerts” (I), first distributed in 1972 by the Federal Highway Organization (FHWA). HEC […]


WRE009 – Design of a Circular Water Tank

ABSTRACT: The water is the most fundamental component to a real existence on the earth. It is a fluid which covers about 71.4% of the earth. It is the most pervasive substance in the human body. The rough utilization of water in a populace of around 20,000 is 200 liters/head/day. The water is additionally critical in the […]


WRE007 – Design of a Gravity Dam with Ogee Spillway

ABSTRACT: Spillways are accommodated capacity and confinement dams to discharge surplus floodwater, which can’t be contained in the designated storage room. In this paper we have planned a spillway for a composite dam proposed at Kanthalloor as a piece of Pattiserry water system project. Pattiserry water system venture conceives development of 140 m long and 23m high composite dam, earthen bund […]


WRE008 – Design of a Berthing Structure

ABSTRACT: The structures which are built for the aim of berthing and mooring of vessels to encourage stacking and emptying of load and furthermore to set out and landing of travelers or vehicles and so on is called berthing structure. Different variables impact the investigation and plan of the berthing structures. The berthing structures are […]


WRE005 – Design of a Treatment Plant

ABSTRACT: The general structure of the wastewater treatment plant comprises of 4 phases: i)Primary treatment which comprises of screening, coarseness evacuation and sedimentation ii)Secondary treatment comprises of a bioreactor iii)Tertiary treatment comprises of nitrogen expulsion, adsorption and pH control. For plant structure, the accompanying parameters are expected/tentatively decided for the wastewater. Further, the aggregate stream […]


WRE006 – Design of a Mini Dam

ABSTRACT: The plan criteria and development techniques for little earth and shake filled dams are introduced. The materials and techniques to be utilized are considered for both mechanical and difficult work. A few sorts of lakes, establishment conditions, and water utilizes are talked about as structure contemplations. Exceptional consideration is given to the choice of suitable outlet works and spillways. […]