ABSTRACT: Online advertisement network like Google, Yahoo, adchoices and so on advertising their customer products and service as well as partner websites. So here we focus on accomplice website adposting and handling system. Partner websites are sites that consist of advertisements by this online advertising network. Advertisement networks handle these ads on multiple websites through a […]
Php project on Matrimonial Portal
ABSTRACT: This online matrimonial portal is developed to let individual find their potential matches for marriage according to their needs. This project allows the expression ‘Marriages are made in heaven’ to be rephrased as ‘Marriages are now made in online’. This application allows browsing profiles of other enlisted clients on the site. An individual needs to […]
Php project on Nautical Telematics system
ABSTRACT: This is a marine-based Telematics system designed to give boat operators access for navigation, maintenance, and emergency services by means of the online application so the boat and the response center details can be maintained and updated frequently. It helps to track, manage, monitor and control all assets in the sea. It incorporates satellite […]
Php project on On the Heel Property Search
ABSTRACT: In the modern world, PCs have become inevitable in all of the fields where precise planning, analysis, calculations are required. PCs have become part and parcel of everyday life. It is being used in different fields like Industries, Banks, Railways, Office, Business Centers, and Educational Institution and so forth. This project to a great […]
Php project on Office Software Product
ABSTRACT: The Project Entitled as “OFFICE SOFTWARE PRODUCT”. The Main objective of the project is to manage the entire office details. There is the separate login for administrator and user. MODULES: 1. Students Management 2. Employees Management 3. Office Management Client Module: Student Management: Personal Details insert, update particular fields only and search […]
Php project on Gas Agency System
ABSTRACT: This is an online gas booking system for clients that allows them to order gas cylinders at whenever required. Clients would now be able to directly order gas cylinder and can likewise make payment as instead to utilizing the conventional approach of requesting through phone. The conventional system takes a long time for preparing request […]
Php project on E-Commerce Product Rating Based On Customer Review Mining
ABSTRACT: Many clients buy items through E-commerce websites. Due to online shopping, E-commerce projects were not able to trace consumer satisfaction or the services provided by the firm. This offered to ascend to a thought of a system where different clients give surveys about the item and web-based shopping administrations, which thusly help the E-business undertakings […]
Php project on Daily Expense Tracker System
ABSTRACT: Every day Expense Tracker System is intended to monitor Income-Expense of a Housewife on an everyday premise. This System separates the Income-based daily expenses. On the off chance that you surpass day’s cost, the system will cut it from your salary and will give new everyday cost permitted sum. On the off chance that that […]
Php project on Credit Card Fraud Detection
ABSTRACT: The project titled “Credit card Fraud Detection” is designed utilizing PHP as front end and MY-SQL as a back end. Because of a quick advancement in the electronic commerce technology, the utilization of credit cards has dramatically increased. Unfortunately, credit card fraud is an unavoidable truth for all dealers who acknowledge Mastercard installments as a […]
Php project on B2C E-com Portal
ABSTRACT: B2C E-COM PORTAL is a full included web-based business and shopping basket part intended for ASP.NET. This item gives an entire online business answer for ASP.NET. B2C E-COM PORTAL gives you the apparatuses you have to meet the consistently changing requests of the online business commercial center. B2C gives both a perfect advancement condition […]