.NET Project On Cross-Domain Privacy-Preserving Cooperative Firewall Optimization

ABSTRACT: Firewalls have been widely deployed on the Internet for securing private networks. A firewall checks every incoming or outgoing packet to choose whether to accept or discard the packet based on its strategy. Optimizing firewall policies is crucial for enhancing network performance. Prior work on firewall optimization focuses on either intra-firewall or inter-firewall optimization […]


.NET Project On  P2p  Replication-Based Performance Improvement.

ABSTRACT: Peer to peer (P2P) databases is getting to be prevalent on the Internet for distribution and sharing of documents, applications and other digital media. The issue of answering large-scale ad hoc analysis queries, for example, aggregation queries, on these databases possess unique challenges. Exact solutions can be time-consuming and difficult to implement, given the distributed and […]


.NET Project On Evolution of Social Networks Based on Tagging Practices

ABSTRACT: Websites that give content creation and sharing highlights have turned out to be quite popular recently. These sites enable clients to categorize and browse content utilizing “tags” or free-text keyword topics. Since clients contribute and tag social media content across a variety of social web platforms, creating new knowledge from distributed tag information has […]


.NET Project On Supporting Search-As-You-Type Using SQL in Databases

ABSTRACT: A  search-as-you-type system computes answers on-the-fly as a client type in a keyword query character by character. We study how to support search-as-you-type on data residing in a relational DBMS. We focus on how to support this kind of search utilizing the native database language, SQL. A principle challenge is the means by which to […]


.NET Project On Optimal Multiserver Configuration for Profit Maximization in Cloud Computing

ABSTRACT: As cloud computing turns out to be more and more popular, understanding the economics aspects of cloud computing turns out to be critically important. To maximize the profit, a service provider ought to understand both service charges and business costs, and how they are determined by the attributes of the applications and the configuration […]


.NET Project On QoS Ranking Prediction for Cloud Services

ABSTRACT: Cloud computing is becoming popular. Building high-quality cloud applications is a critical research issue. QoS rankings give valuable data for making optimal cloud service selection from a set of functionally equivalent service candidates. To get QoS values, t real-world invocations on the service applicants are usually required. To avoid the time-consuming and expensive real-world […]


.NET Project On A QoS-Oriented Distributed Routing Protocol for Hybrid Wireless Networks

ABSTRACT: As wireless communication gains popularity, critical research has been committed to supporting real-time transmission with stringent Quality of Service (QoS) necessities for wireless applications. In the same time, a wireless hybrid network that coordinates a mobile wireless ad hoc network (MANET) and a wireless infrastructure network have been proven to be a better alternative for […]


.NET Project On A Highly Accurate Prediction Algorithm for Unknown Web Service QoS Values

ABSTRACT: Quality of Service (QoS) ensures is an important component of the service recommendation. Generally, some QoS values of the service are unknown QoS values is significant for the successful deployment of Web benefit based applications. The collaborative filtering is the essential method for predicting missing values and has accordingly been widely adopted in the […]


.NET Project On A secure data self-destructing scheme in Cloud Computing

ABSTRACT: With the rapid development of adaptable cloud administrations, it turns out to be increasingly susceptible to utilize cloud computing to share information in a friend circle in the cloud computing condition. Since it isn’t feasible to execute full lifecycle privacy security, get to control turns into a challenging task, particularly when we share sensitive […]


.NET Project On SocialTube: P2P-assisted Video Sharing in Online Social Networks

ABSTRACT: Video sharing has been an increasingly popular application in online social networks (OSNs). Be that as it may, its reasonable development is severely hindered by the intrinsic limit of the client/server architecture development in current OSN video systems, which isn’t costly in terms of server bandwidth and capacity yet in addition not scalable with the taking […]