Android Employee Tracker


This system is a combination of web and as well as the android application where the client will utilize the Android application and administrator and also HR will work with a web application. This application is designed for field work Employers. The Employee will have this application in his android mobile phone when the client will log in to the framework his picture will be caught and his GPS area will be sent to the administrator where an administrator will see picture and GPS area in the web application. After Login, GPS area of the representative will be followed consequently by the system and send to the administrator after every 5 minutes. When the worker log out the system again the picture will be captured as well as the GPS area will be sent to the administrator. To monitor the participation and in addition finance of the worker, this system assumes a noteworthy part. The part of the administrator is to include new representative by entering his own subtle elements and administrator will give the worker identity number and password to the client with the goal that he can get to the application in his android mobile phone.

An administrator can see the GPS area of the worker by entering Employee Identity Number and Date. An administrator can check the pay of the specific worker by entering date and representative ID. An administrator can view the latitude and longitude of the GPS area sent by the worker. The administrator can change the password of the employee. At the point when the HR login to the system he can check the GPS area of the representative by entering worker ID and date. HR can check compensation of the specific worker by entering representative identity number and date. This application causes administrator and hr to effectively check the compensation of the worker. the Since GPS area of the worker is followed, so employee won’t attempt to add proxy attendance.

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