Android Tourist Guide


This project android tourist guide provides the tourist with a city map on its present area entered by the Android mobile phone client. This data causes the tourists to locate the desired areas to visit. Well, it consists of whole details of those areas or how to achieve the area and also other emergency amenities like hospitals, organizations, bus stops and so on yet it gives the fundamental data to choose the spots to visit. This project is principally valuable for the tourist’s having no idea about the spots they need to visit. By giving a geographically based data system the sightseers and individuals moving to new urban areas can improve the direction of the spots they need to visit. This proposed application does not require any internet access and along these lines eliminates the drawback of single point disappointment. By making the application GIS-based, it incorporates numerous preferences as the client can see the required area in outline in like manner gauge the time that will be required to achieve the final destination. The system gives the essential points of interest that will be required, for example, an image of that place alongside fundamental details like the address, contact no and so forth.

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