EE019 – Waste Management Models and Their Applications on Construction Sites

ABSTRACT: Squander has been viewed as a noteworthy issue in the development business for its monetary and natural effects. The regard for Construction and Demolition (C&D) squander has been expanding in the previous 20 years from the two scientists and pros around the globe. Expansive quantities of articles have been distributed in diaries identified with […]


EE021 – Sampling, Analysis and Design of Effluent Treatment Plant for Leather Industry

ABSTRACT: In India, tanning is a little scale industry. All through the tanning procedure, monstrous measure of wastewater is produced and as a rule it contaminates nature. The waste materials from the tannery business are portrayed by high oxygen request, add up to broke up solids and risky inorganic substance squander, and so forth. The structure of the […]


EE020 – Identification of Potential Zone using Remote Sensing

ABSTRACT: Groundwater is a vital asset contributing fundamentally in all out yearly supply. In any case, overexploitation has exhausted groundwater accessibility impressively and furthermore prompted land subsidence at a few spots. Surveying the potential zone of groundwater energize is critical for the assurance of water quality and the administration of groundwater frameworks. Groundwater potential zones […]


EE018 – Municipal Solid Waste Management under Decentrailisation

ABSTRACT: This paper analyzes city strong waste administration in Uganda under the decentralization arrangement. The point is to dissect declined strong waste administration and the requirements on accomplishing practical waste administration. To accomplish the destinations, squander qualities, age rate, accumulation, transfer and partner jobs and waste administration duties were dissected. Results show the waste is […]


EE016 – Decentralized Solid Waste Management System Involving Active Public and NGO Participation

ABSTRACT: In most Indian urban areas, the issue of strong waste administration is intense. Strong waste administration is a basic administration for the urban neighborhood bodies since numerous general medical problems are associated with it. The circumstance is especially awful in the unapproved settlements and ghettos in urban zones where metropolitan strong waste administration is for all intents and […]


EE015 – Generation of Electricity using Solid Waste Management

ABSTRACT: The power part in India supplies the world’s sixth biggest vitality customer, representing 3.4% of worldwide vitality utilization by over 17% of worldwide populace. About 65.34% of the power devoured in India is created by warm, 21.53% by hydroelectric power plants, 2.70% by atomic power plants and 10.42% by Sustainable power Sources. Over half of India’s business […]


EE014 – Performance Studies on the Waste Treatment units of a Battery Industry

ABSTRACT: Following quick monetary development and industrialization, ecological issues from waste batteries are ascending as a result. There is a critical ecological interest to build up a waste battery administration framework in China. With the reason to add to the advancement of waste battery arrangement in China, this investigation introduces the natural issues from waste batteries in China and […]


EE013 – Studies on the Concentration of Settable Dust Emitted by Sugar Factory

ABSTRACT: Treatment of profluent of sugar industry is completed by opposite fluidized bed. Unique parts of emanating like synthetic oxygen request (COD), biochemical oxygen request (Body) and pH have been estimated by shifting distinctive parameter, for example, focus, time of fluidization. The development of microorganism w.r.t. distinctive parameter has been noted. COD, Body and pH are seen to diminish […]


EE012- A Study on Effect of Pollutants on Land and River due to Discharge of Paper Packaging Factory Waste Water

ABSTRACT: Modern effluents of Paper and Pulp businesses Mill were portrayed and their effect on soil properties and synthetic structure of harvest plants was considered in Uttarakhand State of India. The gushing qualities especially, add up to suspended and add up to broke up solids, natural oxygen request, substance oxygen request and the substance of […]